Here is my tutorial on recycling jeans into a potholder.
I find a finished size of about 8 inches by 7 is about right but it can be 7 by 6.5inches or whatever you like.
Find an old pair of jeans, and cut the leg out measure out an piece 17 inches by 7.5 inches if you have it or you can cut two pieces 8.5 inches by 7.5 inches each. Then I did some machine embroidery or you can hand embroidery or iron on a patch or leave in plain. (the design I used is from Embroidery library).
Here I just made sure there was enough when I folded it in half, then I trimmed it up.
You can see here that the finished size is just a little smaller, and thicker.
Next I press down one side just over 1/4 inch. this will be the side we use to turn it through.
This is what you will have; the left side is just folded over so will not need to sew that one and the right side has the edges turned in and pressed.
Next we cut a piece of Insul-Bright Insulation you NEED this stuff if you are really going to use these pot holders, it keeps the heat from getting to your hands. I used a layer of this and then also used a layer of old cloth you can use a dishtowel or old bath towel but you must also use the InsulBright just the dishcloth alone is not enough and I would not want you to get burned. Also just a note do not use a potholder if it is wet!! the heat from a hot pan will go right through it and burn you (yeah I learned that the hard way).
Turn right sides together and place old dish cloth and InsulBright down.
You will notice that I did not put the InsulBright and towel up against the fold, I found that if you did you get a lump in your finished project.
Next pin it together so you will not have shifting and using a walking foot sew the top and bottom sides.
I used dark thread so you can see it here, then trim the InsulBright and towel as close as you can to the stitching and trim the corners, but NOT the two corner where you have left the opening for turning.
Turn right side out.
I place a folded piece of twill at the top right of the pot holder to make a loop.
Then stitch around all four side and your finished.
Just a note here, when using hot pans and pot holders you have to be smart; remember safety first, use good judgement and if it is starting to feel warm put it down!! You can always use two pot holders at a time if it is a hot and heavy pan you are lifting. I am giving directions for pot holders I make and use myself but can not be responsible for burns and misuse of pot holder.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pot holder tutorial
Monday, May 26, 2008
Book tote
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I get more done with a plan!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tote bag
I enjoy making things for my family but they don't often need me too.. but my husband commented that since I have gone to fabric bags for shopping there are no bags for him to take things to work in.... well of course I got right on it :) I knew I needed a 'guy' fabric then a simple bag so I used the pattern from the book simple gifts to stitch by Jocelyn Worrall.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Give away of goodies that could make a great apron.
There is a give away over at Glad Tidings Primitives & Folkeart . I thought I would mention it here in case anyone would like a chance to have some unique fabrics, buttons, and other goodies that would make a great apron.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Making a pincushion.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
A blessed Mother's Day to all. We went to church and then home for BBQ ribs and all kinds of good eats :) My Mom was able to come down and have lunch with us it was a really nice day.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Apron sightings
The Day before Mother's Day
Today is the day before Mother's Day and I spent the day with my daughter, my grown daughter :) We went out shopping and then to lunch at Bahama Breeze, YUM ! It was good to just spend the day with her. I'm so proud and glad she is my daughter. I love you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Fabric storage

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Memo Board